2014 Proscenium dobra-Dobro proscenium Project

Date: June 8, 2014 


a multimedia eco-friendly multi-year project
painting - music - sculpture - objects - graphic - video - performance


The idea of the project: Grzegorz Jarzyński - Janusz Plota
The art commissioner of the project: Janusz Plota


Źródło: Telewizja Lokalna Wąbrzeźno 


Uroczyste otwarcie o godz. 12.30 a potem świętowanie sztuki w Galerii Stodoła umilił Zespół Instrumentalny Gdańskich Muzyków w składzie: Krzysztof Gudelun, Maciej Kułakowski, Katarzyna Libront, Adam Stachowiak pod kierunkiem Maestro Tadeusza Kassaka, który 8 czerwca wystąpił gościnnie w Kościele św. Anny w Radzyniu Chełmińskim w czasie Sumy o godz. 11.00. 

Garden-Field-Forest is an eco-friendly multi-year project, which being contemporary art is at the same time a form of education. The project joins artists, the Stodola Szumilowo Art Gallery’s fans, culture activists, representatives of citizens’ organizations from Poland and Europe, students of the Radzyn Chelminski schools, the inhabitants of Radzyn Chelminski and Szumilowo region, as well as volunteers. The project creatorsand recipients alternately build a picture of nature and become its custodians. The 2014 multimedia project invited a culture citizen to a forest – and not to the exhibition. The documentation of past projects, exhibitions, meetings, productions and performances will become a spatial eco-art project, which will be presented in the center of the capital in the near future.

Can nature be general good? Contemporary garden-field, forest are one space divided by man in order to maintain the status quo. Does the contemporary man remember about the Mother Earth? Does he owe Her anything? Huge biosphere degradation and residual examples of environmental care do not bear good witness of us, Earth inhabitants of the twenty-first century. What will we do to rescue our common heritage? It has been a long time since the Neolithic revolution, we do not really know when the first wheat was sown, or whether wild grains sprouted in a cave, a shelter or a temple?

Transit bridge, or rather a footbridge leading from the garden to the forest is symbolic transition zone. We do not draw a line or create a zone for privy pure art creators. We invite all co-creators, volunteers and recipients of the 2014 Stodola Szumilowo Art Gallery project to leave the proof of love and respect for the nature. Thanks to the spatial project we can discover wayside pharmacy - home herbarium, fertile field and forest biology. Here, where our house is now – once was a field, where the field is – there was a forest, and where the forest is – there was an ocean. The man changed the nature but at the same time forgot about himself and cut off the thread of communication and understanding the nature. Today, with the use of children's spades, we fill up huge trenches - scars caused by years of neglect and lack of respect for the world of nature. But we woke up from torpor – we guess language of the nature, we begin to live environmental awareness and look for traces of healthy living space.

2014 GALLERY TEAM. Starting from the left site: Wojciech Sęczawa, Mirosław Krzyśków, Janusz Plota, Ewa Szumlak, Grzegorz Jarzyński  

